Friday, January 10, 2014

Wooyoung Press Conference on WGM (translated articles) Compiled

~Wooyoung said that “Park Se Young-shi is similar to his ideal type of woman” and also added that, “I was surprised when we had first recodring. We have a lot of things in common so I felt like I met a friend whom I knew for so long.”

~Park Se Young also said, “I was thinking he is a shy/timid & quiet type. But after our first recording my impression changed. I only knew him before through works so after talking with him, I found there’s a lot of things similar with me. Im surprised but happy also.”

~Wooyoung: I want it to be Boyfriend & Girlfriend(relationship) and be fluttered rather than married(couple). I want to do some small events and give gifts. Originally I love events and make people surprise. I want to make a memory just for two of us rather than having a feeling of “we have to broadcast everything”

~"2PM Members are also happy that they keep on asking me what I’m going to do and I want to do. I’m looking forward a lot personally."

~"I love to decorate the house, so I want to do a lot of things in the house. I think I will be in a mood like your in love/relationship while filming."

~Wooyoung: Ive never experienced and done something that real couples do. Im looking forward for our future memories that will be made and how will remain(in my heart)

~According to the PD, WGM doesn't have a script. Just the situation and place are written in the schedule paper and they give it to their managers.

~The reason why this two(Wooyoung & Park Se Young) got casted is that in the pre-interview their taste of music and movies matched well.

~WGM PD: Woo's ideal type that always he saids about and everything about Park Se Young has matched that an surprised me. It was easy and fast for us to make a decision on couple matching since they had a lot of common interest

~WGM press con: According to the PD "Wooyoung said 'I would like to meet a woman who can share and listen to the indies band i like together' then coincidentally Park Se Young had worked with that band and released the album before"

~press con: Woo has been telling thru some broadcast that his ideal type is someone has a little bit dark skinned and has beautiful eyes.

Eng trans by 2PMFAH
Goshhh~ They really looks good together, and I can't believe that so many things that match each other >< Can't wait to see their episodes!!! ^0^

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