Sunday, December 22, 2013

[Fanacc] 131222 Jun. K at ACE Pizza

From Pi2daPi
This is the flow of today's pizza event. Because there were quite a lot of reservations, only the first few people at the front of the reservation list could sit inside the restaurant and eat. Others could only take-away. But no matter which customer, the toppings on the pizzas were all done by Jun. K. Plus even during the pizza making process, everyone can wait infront of him and even talk to him. Whoever thought of this event, is really daebak >//< you can converse with Jun. K while also being able to eat the pizzas he made.

Today I told Jun. K I was from China. He replied to me in chinese saying Ni Hao! My friend said "you're really handsome!" and Jun. K replied thank you in Chinese. I told him I went to watch his musical yesterday and he ask me "was it meaningful?" I said "yes, but your voice didn't come out too well, please rest well!" He replied: "yes, it hurts alot! sorry!" why are you apologizing T___T

From Sakurina_chan We came to the restaurant at around 5:30 and there was around 100 ppl ahead of us! We waited 2 hours and then got in.
We could have take away pizza and Jun.k would put topping on it, his pizza was indeed called Jun.k pizza.
The owner of the restaurant was very nice and friendly and i told him me and my friends are italian, Jun.k turned his head and smiled.
He asked me if i was fine speaking english or korean and i said ‘i’m fine with both’ he said he was sorry he couldnt speak italian lol.
So i spoke korean and he spoke english lol i told him i went to see the musical ytd and he asked me if i had fun and i said ‘for sure!!’
Then my friend (who’s his fan) was like speechless and i told him ‘she’s very shy but she’s your fan’
And the owner of the restaurant said ‘he’s shy too’ > LOL NO
So my friend was petrified and Jun.k triend to make her speak HAHAHA he was like ‘say sth!!’ And she said ‘…….a’ HAHAHAH
But finally they managed to start a conversation XD he was SOOOOOOO nice!!!!!! Seriously the perfect mood maker.
I am naturally a bubbly outgoing person and in front of idols i am myself lol but he was very nice to a speechless fan >< super super nice.
So i asked him if we could take a pic together and he posed for me and before leaving i told him to come to italy, we’ll be waiting lol.
He is very handsome in person and his complexion is flawless but….. Well nothing new????? lol.
He is one of the nicest idols I’ve ever met (and i met many before)… Thank you @Jun2daKAY
If i missed sth… I’ll write about it later but that’s pretty much all.
And the pizza……… I am italian i tend to be too harsh on fusion cusine XD there was meat and pinapple on it…… But i ate it all.

cr pic by uploader

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