Monday, November 25, 2013

Jun. K's IG Update for last Jack The Ripper (Nov 25th)

성진이형과 영기형과 @poimin73 #JACKTHERIPPER 
With Sungjin hyung and Younggi hyung @poimin73 #JACKTHERIPPE

#JACKTHERIPPER 마지막공연중입니다^^ #JACKTHERIPPER Doing the final performance^^

신성우형님과 영기형과 성진이형 마지막공연 기념샷#JACKTHERIPPER @sethshinsungwoo @poimin73
Final performance commemorative shot with Shin Sungwoo hyungnim, Younggi hyung & Sungjin hyung #JACKTHERIPPER sethshinsungwoo @poimin73

유진누나와 지민이랑 막공 기념샷 #JACKTHERIPPER @OJY0530
Final perf shot with Yoojin nuna and Jimin

2막이 끝나가네요ㅠ @poimin73: 민준아 수고했어!!! 마지막공연도 아자아자 화이팅!!!
2nd act is ending
“@.poimin73: Minjun-ah good job!! Fighting for the final performance!!!

僕のミュージカル公演”Jack The Ripper”にきてくださったみなさん~ほんとにありがとうございました。 今回の公演を通じてまたもたくさんのことが学べました。またみなさんにいい音楽とステージをおみせできるように頑張ります!愛してる 사랑해요
Thank you everyone who came to watch my performance at the Jack the Ripper musical. I managed to learn a lot through this performance as well. I will work hard in order to show you all yet another performance with better music! I love you all.
 cr by 2pmalways

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