Tuesday, November 19, 2013

[TRANS] Vogue Girl. December Issue. Taecyeon Interview


Perhaps before long the days Ok Taecyeon has been called the beastly idol will become a history. Because he has so much more to show.
Vogue Girl: The reactions to the movie Marriage Blue are good. Congratulations. But aren’t you still too young to get married? Wasn’t it hard to digest a role of a man who was about to get married?
Taecyeon: I’m turning 26 next year. When I was little, I’ve always thought that I would get married by the time I was 26. Because my father got married at that age.  So I was always confident that 26 was a perfect age for marriage.

Vogue Girl: That’s right, because our parents’ generation basically got married at that age.
Taecyeon: However, now that I’m approaching that limit, I get to think that my parents got married at a very young age.
Vogue Girl: What did it feel like when you first received a love call from Director Hong Jiyoung?
Taecyeon: First of, I really liked the synopsis. I’ve kept on smiling for 2 hours while reading it. However, since it was a role of a man who was about to get married (even though the character was the same age as me), I thought that perhaps it was something that one should act if one had a little bit more of experience. It was a little bit hard, because it was a role that was supposed to express detailed emotions of a character that goes through various emotional changes right before the marriage with his lover of a few years.
Vogue Girl: What did you do when it was hard to understand the role?
Taecyeon: I talked a lot with Director Hong Jiyoung. Even if you understand the general contents of the movie from the acting perspective, there are scenes that you just can’t grasp. “Why would Wonchul say something like that? I would never do that” – before shooting a scene that would make me think like that, I would voice out my opinion about the script in advance. So while consulting, the Director modified a lot of things. Sometimes she even asked: “What would you say in that kind of situation, if that were you?”

Vogue Girl: Just like with “Marriage Blue”, you seem to have gone ahead with the indirect marriage experience while shooting for We Got Married. Consequently, after such things it seems that one would either really want to get married, or get scared of it altogether…
Taecyeon: I didn’t get scared of it. I just began taking marriage and what it means even more seriously than before. For example, usually they think that marriage is something “beautiful”, but when you shoot “Marriage Blue”, participate in We Got Married, even if it’s an indirect experience, marriage comes with a very realistic daily life. Usually, people my age would think that one would marry when one is in love. However, I realized that it’s definitely not the point, and marriage is a very down-to-earth thing. That’s why there are a lot of problems that surface, and all of them cannot be solved by love alone. That’s why the divorce rate is so high these days.
Vogue Girl: After having gone through those two projects, you seem to have naturally acquired a rather deep perception of marriage (laughs).
Taecyeon: Yes, it appears to be so. It was like that during We Got Married as well, but I think Marriage Blue was the project that changed my point of view towards marriage a lot.

Vogue Girl: Wonchul from the movie is very different from the other roles you’ve had before. I was really surprised how different he was from your usual image – he was so sweet, noble and pure.
Taecyeon: Since we have to display an intense image during our 2PM activities, we even have this Beastly idols nickname, so I tried really hard to display a completely different image through my acting. Rather than 2PM’s Ok Taecyeon, the daily Ok Taecyeon is a not a person who explodes with power every single day just like on stage.
Vogue Girl: Is that why you are so eager about acting more (laughs)? Why do you like it so much that you keep on challenging it?
Taecyeon: The most charming thing is that you can become another person. The stage Ok Taecyeon was accepted by the general public as the real Ok Taecyeon, but when I act, I am Ok Taecyeon who is expressing someone else. It’s really interesting to become someone else, and live that person’s live and character.
Vogue Girl: It seems that you tend to be extremely busy because you are full of curiosity. They say your recent full-scale launch of a character business has been successful.
Taecyeon: That’s correct. I get my hands on many things (laughs). That character business was launched at a full-scale only recently. The sales are being carried out online, and it’s going so well, I got surprised myself. Actually, I should still keep watch on it, but it’s somewhat 100 times better than what I’ve expected.

Vogue Girl: Wow, you will earn a lot of money? What will you do with all that cash?
Taecyeon: I will save it, instead of spending it. After all, since my parents are taking care of it, everything goes straight to my parents’ account. So in reality, there is no income for me that I could actually spend. I don’t even have time for it. The most expensive thing I currently own is a bicycle, and even that one has been given as a gift by the fans.
Vogue Girl: Today a person came from the KBS “Human condition”… You’re part of the “Don’t get stressed” mission. How do you relieve stress?
Taecyeon: But I’m actually the type that doesn’t get stressed out easily so…
Vogue Girl: Ey, aren’t you just saying that because you’re in the middle of a mission?
Taecyeon: No, really (laughs). I really like the current situation. Being a singer (which was a sidelines job to begin with) turned out to be great, the recently launched character business is doing better than expected, as an actor; the recently released movie received positive reviews, so there is no reason to be mad or anxious. So there’s nothing I should be stressed about.

Vogue Girl: Aren’t you getting stressed just by being a celebrity?
Taecyeon: That was cut loose from the worldly existence (laughs). There was something like that for about 2 or 3 years since our debut, because people would recognize us when we’d walk down the street. Even if you cover up, the people that can recognize you DO recognize you. Besides, I’m tall, so people just recognize me no matter what (laugh). So then I thought: “Will I be able to live with my face covered for the next 10 or 20 years? If so, I’m the one who’d get tired, wouldn’t that be too hard?”, and then I changed my mind. I just walk around freely. Now, when I get recognized I just say “thank you”. It’s a method of adaptation really.
Vogue Girl: I see, after all, I’ve seen the pictures of you taken when you went on a package deal trip to Italy (laughs). It was unbelievable. I think it was a first time I saw a celebrity take a package deal trip.
Taecyeon: Ah, you’re a bit misinformed (laughs). I actually went to Rome alone, but someone told me that I should choose a guided tour, because then I would find out more about the churches of Vatican and so on. So for that one time I applied for a Korean travel agency tour in Vatican, and spent a very meaningful day.
Vogue Girl: However, you still did everything a tourist should do? (laughs)
Taecyeon: That’s right, I bought souvenirs, took selfies, sent postcards to my parents, and basically did all there was to do!
Vogue Girl: It seems that the general public is coming to think that apart from being the beastly idol, Ok Taecyeon has a lot of other faces, especially as you know how to spend time freely like an ordinary person, and you get involved in acting and business enterprise.
Taecyeon: I’m the type who always looks out for something new. Being a celebrity is a rather erratic occupation with hardly any mercy. It’s enjoyable, but as you keep on doing the same thing over and over again, it really becomes just another “job” and you get tired of it. If you don’t want to get tired of the same work, or you do not want to get threatened by an erratic daily life, it’s best to look for what you find interesting and keep yourself busy with it. One needs to keep on looking for something new in order to avoid falling into mannerism.
Vogue Girl: Don’t you get bored with the Beastly idol nickname?
Taecyeon: Of course not! It’s totally not boring (laughs). Beastly idol is one of the things that explain what I am. Also, it’s a representative modifier for me as a member of 2PM, which I would not be able to get rid of it even if I wanted to. Of course, now I’d like to show something else, not only that image. Because we’re at the age when we can still show a lot, because we’re still in our 20s, we’re still young (laughs).

Scans: Baque
Kor-Eng: Egle @2pmalways

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