Saturday, October 5, 2013

[Brave Talk] Passionate hard-worker Taec-yeon vs late-discovered genius Jun-ho

The idol boy band 2PM, who debuted in 2008, drew great attention upon their debut and they still boast high popularity after five years of their debut. The 2PM members throw down a gauntlet to acting like other top idol stars do so.  

Taec-yeon debuted as an actor in an assisting role in KBS2 drama series 'Cinderella’s Sister' in 2010 and grew into a main actor of tvN drama series 'Who Are You' in three years. Jun-ho debuted this year on the large-scale movie 'Cold Eyes' and played his character very well even among the top actors and actresses such as Seol Kyung-koo, Jung Woo-sung, and Han Hyo-joo.
They are in the same team, but Taec-yeon and Jun-ho are very different in terms of images created by their appearance, roles in the team, and characteristics as an actor. Brave Talk now begins to talk about Ok Taec-yeon and Lee Jun-ho, who are totally different but share the common ground that both of them are promising actors.
# Taec-yeon, the hard-worker with fierce desire for acting 

Taec-yeon started the acting career earlier than Jun-ho. Taec-yeon, who had a great desire for acting, spoke on how much he wanted to act several times and he snatched a chance to appear on KBS2 drama series 'Cinderella’s Sister' in 2010. He started as a supporting actor, but his presence was actually not small. His character had a typical feature of a nice man who has a pure heart for the main female character.
The focus on his acting at that time was placed on how well he spoke with an accent rather than on how well he expressed the character’s emotion. It is probably because of a shock from the gap between his sex appeal on stage and the pure-hearted character. Fortunately, his accent was not awkward enough to make viewers’ toes curl up. At that time, the public applied a higher standard for idol-star-turned-actors, but he received a positive comment that his acting was more natural than expected. That means, however, the public did not have much expectations for his acting. Actually there was little stories that could be told by Taec-yeon in ‘Cinderella’s Sister’. Some said that his acting should not be evaluated since he had a very few lines.
One clear thing is that Taec-yeon made us have expectations for him instead of disappointing us. The public had bigger expectations for the actor Ok Taec-yeon that he would be able to show a very different color from the idol star Taec-yeon.

Taec-yeon has been clever in selecting a character. As the public is familiar with his sexy image, if he continues to repeat the same image, they will want something stronger over time. He has made a rather safe choice by showing his different aspect by moving himself away from the expectations of the public. 

Taec-yeon, who showed consistence as an actor by playing a dark character on KBS2 'Dream High, now finished his first work as a main actor 'Who Are You'. Taec-yeon’s passion for acting is second to none. At an event to brief on 'Who Are You', he said, "People will say that this drama is my first work where I played a main character. I am doing my best not to feel ashamed of myself in the future.” His remark showed his determination not to separate himself from the acting occupation in the future.
In the early stage of 'Who Are You', his acting had some awkwardness probably due to a sense of pressure in the first work as a main actor. However, he naturally sank himself into the drama in a good teamwork with others over time. At some point, he showed skilled acting. It was visible that he came to assimilate himself with his character over time.
There is another work that helps us to explore his potential as an actor. It is 'Marriage Blue' to be released in November as his first movie. Taec-yeon said, "My character Won-cheol in 'Marriage Blue' has a similar personality with mine.” It sounds like he played the character with comfort. Unlike drama filming, it takes longer time for a movie to be made. Much time and efforts are put into it. Taec-yeon, who is not professional yet, must have felt more comfortable in movie filming than in TV drama filming since he is given more time.   

rector Hong Ji-young of 'Marriage Blue' highly rated the ‘actor Ok Taec-yeon'. She said, "Won-cheol is a very difficult character where an actor should express a matured emotion of a man in love for the seventh year. The general critique is that Taec-yeon is a very promising actor. He has such a great concentration power and immediately understands directions." She said that Taec-yeon’s strength is a strong concentration power driven by a fierce desire for acting. She added, "He may lack experience, but I was impressed by his passion to learn more even about a trivial thing. I saw the eyes that can be seen only in people with great desire.”
Director Hong said that Taec-yeon is a persistent hard worker. She said that he has great room to improve as an actor. 
The director spoke about her impression on Ok Taec-yeon at the filming site. She said, Seeing him trying his best despite a tight schedule due to overseas promotion, I confirmed the truth that nothing can surpass efforts.”
Taec-yeon’s homework is to build experience in many different genres. Making a bold choice to do what he wants to do regardless of what the others say instead of making a careful choice for what he can do will help him grow into a better actor. There many have been small mistakes, but they were never fatal enough to shake the actor Ok Taec-yeon. He is doing fine and improving little by litte.
# Jun-ho, the late-discovered brilliant actor

Jun-ho was an unexpected harvest in the movie Cold Eyes. Older generations who do not know 2PM thought that he was a good new actor. Some belatedly said, “What? Squirrel was 2PM’s Jun-ho? Jun-ho played his part well among the professional actors and actresses such as Seol Kyung-koo, Jung Woo-sung, and Han Hyo-joo. In addition, he removed his idol star image and became one with his character.  
A source with a long acting career said, It is no exaggeration to say that he showed 200% of his acting ability. In fact, it is most difficult to act without standing out alone. In that sense, Jun-ho succeeded to receive a passing mark from Chungmuro (the movie sector).
Some say that he was lucky. His character Squirrel was a perfect fit for his face and image. However, just being lucky cannot explain his right choice of the character. We have seen many actors make a mistake of picking a bad character and have a miserable result. Selecting a good character is an actor’s ability after all. 

The strongest point of Jun-ho is that he knows how to harmonize himself with others instead of isolating himself in his character. He was not excessively ambitious, which is a common mistake made by actors with too much desire. He controlled himself not to make an exaggerate face or action to stand out. Trying not to stand out mad e him stand out in the end. 

Director Cho Ui-suk of Cold Eyes said, When JYP asked me to have an audition for Jun-ho, I was hesitant, to be honest because there is a negative view on idol stars. However, the three auditions revealed how good the character analysis and ideas of Jun-ho are. His rather plain face gave me a fresh feel. He had a great desire, but he was used to doing his part in a group for long time, which helped him to understand his role well in the movie. At the same time, he captured the timing when he has to stand out.”
His excellent acting in the first work made the Chungmuro want him. He was picked for the highly-expected movie A Touch of Zen' quickly. This time, he will work with Lee Byung-heon, Jun Doh-yeon, and Kim Go-eun. He will be able to expand his view on acting. He plays the fighter ‘Yul’ full of ambition and love for Hong-yi (Kim Go-eun), which is totally differnet from Squirrel from Cold Eyes.
The fact that he had a chance to try another character without repeating the successful one demonstrates that the movie world found his another potential ahead of others. A source said that director Park Heung-sik of A Touch of Zen really liked Jun-ho in a meeting with him. We cannot help but look forward to his acting.
While Taec-yeon is a persistent hard-worker, Jun-ho is a genius type born with excellence. He fascinated the audience in the debut work and the second work gave him a good chance to move ahead. Why didn’t he start the acting career earlier? Jun-ho’s acting spectrum, however, is not extensive enough, of course.
The two idol stars readied themselves for another challenge by expanding their area of activity as actors. The future of the actor Ok Taec-yeon, who showed his growing process where he trained himself like a small leak sinks a great ship, and the actor Lee Jun-ho, who proved his potential with the very first try in this new challenge, is greatly expected.
Written by Bae Seon-yeong (TenAsia)
Photographs from KBS, tvN, NEW, Cinus Entertainment

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