Wednesday, October 16, 2013

[News] Wonder Girls' Sun gives birth to a healthy baby girl!

Wonder Girls's Sun had finally given birth to her baby girl!

That's right.  The singer and new mother tweeted, "Thanks to many people's prayers and support, I safely delivered a pretty daughter within eight hours through home birth ^^ I also really, really thank you for the presents congratulating her birth...!!!!  I will raise her well so she is healthy ^^" and uploaded a 4-set picture of her baby!  

Sun had held a birthday shower previously for her daughter whom she planned to name Hailey so congratulations to Sun and James on their beautiful firstborn!  Take a look at the collage above to see the tiny feet and hands of little Hailey.

Here’s Sun’s tweet:

Finally uri Sun Mommy giving birth to our lovely Hailey ^^ be a healthy, smart and lovely girl baby Hailey ^^ whole JYP Citizen loves youuuuuu :* 10/16 at 10:16 AM Canadian time~ the numbers even so cute ^^

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