Sunday, September 8, 2013

2PM YaZoo Fan Meeting Day 2!!!

[130907] 2PM’s Yazoo Fanmeeting (fan account update)
- At the early session yesterday, they mentioned about Junho being in Japan for a period of time and also mentioned Jun. K’s musical in Tokyo and how only Taec didn’t attend Junho’s solo concert. Jun. K kept mumbling to himself saying stuff like “he also didn’t come to watch my musical” Jun. K’s main talk point yesterday was only about Taec not going to Junho’s solo concenrt (Junho isn’t even complaining, why are you lol) (cr: Lovechanny)

- Taec sang ‘정의는 반드시~’ (Juntagnan’s line) while walking back to change clothes and laughed like d’artagnan lol (cr season_teddy)

- 8/9 1st session, finally Old Boys Team won the balloon game~~~XD (cr : KenixNuneo)

- when singing the “dorawa” part in CWYHTS…Taec sang it in Okcat mode (cr: Lovechanny)

- Pen Pen just left his shoe on stage while walking, OkCat helped him wear it lol (cr : KenixNuneo)

- Jun. K did the KKK dance from Infinity Challenge xD (cr: @soulstirringk)

-At the beginning of “Zero Point” when the guitar melody was played, Taec grabbed his Okcat tail with the fish on it and pretended to play guitar with it. So cute ㅠㅠ(cr JJu_080904)

- JunoPeng’s shoe fell off and he couldn’t put it on so OkCat tried to help… And fell. TOO CUTE (via @about_cela)

- Because Junho found it hard to grab the towel, Minjun wiped his sweat for him Junho was like an emperor, being cool instead of cute. Also, he spoke cutely to Chanana (cr season_teddy)

- JunoPeng complaining cos it’s hard to walk. ChanNana bullying him cos his movement’s slow. Pan.K playing w/ JunoPeng’s cape (cr season_teddy)

- JunoPeng has to grab his legs and stomach to out his shoe back on. Otherwise he can’t see his feet lol (cr @BongBongEGi)

- Peng: picks up towel w/ much effort

-Pan.K: wipes off Peng’s sweat

-Peng: I’m cool not cute, cos I’m an Emperor

-Chanana: UR CUTE (cr season_teddy)

- Boys look really hot in the costumes but they’re running around showing lots of aegyo cos they’re happy the fans are happy (cr season_teddy)
via: @__pearlyboey., @nuneo2dayKay, @0125_, we love 2pm

Here's some Fantaken pics:

all pics taken by uploader cr as tagged ^^

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