Sunday, September 15, 2013

[TRANS] Junho's Interview in Anan Magazine - July 31, 2013 ; Issue #1867

JUNHO – Junho was born in 1990 and debuted in 2008 as a member of Korean idol group, 2PM. 2PM has an extremely high popularity in Asia. They debuted in Japan in 2011. Their first national concert tour was completed on August 29th. And recently, Junho starred in a Korean movie <Cold Eyes> that is currently showing in the theatres.

I believe that one day, true love will come to me

Congratulations on your solo debut!
  • Thank you. I have been suppressing my happiness for so long, up until the album was completely finished. But now as I say, “I’m happy,” I am really, extremely happy.
After hearing that Junho will have a solo debut, what were the members’ reactions?
  • “That’s great, we’ll support you!” Everyone was really happy for me. I think Wooyoung said, “Ah, really?!” I received the notice (about this solo) during the time when 2PM was just about to release our latest album in Korea. And so, Nichkhun worriedly asked me, “Your schedule… there shouldn’t be a problem right?” (laughs)
I sense that whether it’s 2PM’s promotions or solo promotions, dealing with both isn’t easy at all.
  • Without any exaggeration at all, I have only been getting around 2 hours of sleep these days. Whenever we have spare time, as we move between schedules, all 6 members will be dead asleep as if we passed out (laughs). However, no matter how busy we may be, nothing really beats being able to have such events to attend.
“The fans’ voices, I can hear them all”

When you are really sleepy, what do you guys do to overcome it?
  • I don’t allow myself to close my eyes. That way, I’d stay awake easier.  I will then suddenly think to myself “I can’t! I’ll gain weight!” whenever I’m really hungry. But soon after, I would begin to become sleepy again. (laughs)
You completed the album <Kimi No Koe> during such a hectic schedule. Junho has blown us away from his sorrowful ballads, to sexy R&B music styles. Within the album, is there any song, which is particularly special?
  • I wrote and composed each song, therefore in my opinion, every song is special. If I had to recommend a song, then I’ll choose <Kimi No Koe>.
In April, at the Tokyo Dome concert, your silver ticker tape streamers had the words, “At this moment, I can hear Your Voice” printed on them. Could it be that you had already thought of the song title at the time?
  • At the time I already decided to use the song title <Kimi No Koe>.  But I had an urge to let the fans know, so I revealed it in front of everybody.
Why did you decide to use the concept of “Your Voice/Kimi No Koe”?
  • What triggered this thought was during our first national tour in Japan. When we were on our way back to the hotel after the concert ended, I was still able to hear the cheers coming from the crowd in the stadium and I couldn’t forget it. At that moment I thought of using “Kimi No Koe” as my concept. I’m the kind of person who enjoys watching all the fans in the seating tiers. Looking at each one of them – thousands of fans cheering by the stage platform and many of them who cried as they listen to our songs. Seeing them, I wanted to write a song with a message saying: “Don’t worry, I can hear all of your voices”.
So the origins of “Kimi No Koe” came from the fans’ voices, is that correct?
  • I am only able to continue making the music that I love, due to the fans’ constant support for me. No matter when, the fans’ voices will always give me strength to carry on.
Majority of the songs in this album are love songs, right?
  • <I Love You> was completely written out of my own imagination (laughs.) It was written from the concept of the innocent, pure, and sweet love, you experience in elementary school.
In this song, there is a phrase in the lyrics, “I want to love you forever”. Does that mean you believe in everlasting love?
  • Yes, that’s right. I believe that it will eventually come to me. (Asks ANAN staff) Do you believe in everlasting love?
I’m a bit doubtful…
  • (laughs) I think almost everyone would be doubtful of that too. However, this is because of this hesitant idea in your head, “perhaps there won’t be love that lasts forever.” You have to be persistent about it. Who knows, maybe at that point, someone who makes your heart flutter will suddenly appear. An overly stable relationship may make people become too at ease and dependent.
In <Like a Star> there is a phrase in the lyrics that say, “I will protect you”. If Junho were to be in a relationship, how would you like to protect your lover?
  • I think I wouldn’t go do something in particular but I will always be by her side. To me, that is something someone who “wants to protect his lover” would do.
I see. When you begin to compose, do you use your own personal experiences?
  • Rather than say experiences, I would say it’s the thrill and excitement the world displays. When I see couples that are in love, I would begin to imagine a lot of things. (giggles)
Seeing couples that are happily in love, do you feel an automatic urge to watch them?
  • Yes. (laughs) In the morning as we were on our way to the television station past the Han River, I saw many couples who were cycling together. Seeing these couples bask in the warm sunlight, I always think to myself and… (sigh)
What a deep sigh that was.
  • Right now, although 2PM’s promotions and my own solo promotions don’t give me much time to think too much on this, but I’m still a man. So I’m very jealous of them. (laughs)
The national concert tour was a great success. I bet that you can already feel that you are very popular here in Japan, right?
  • Mmm, how shall I say this? On the streets almost nobody recognizes me. Even if they do they’d only greet me from far away or silently pass by me. I often wonder, is it because my exp ression gives off a feeling that I’m “enjoying my freedom” so that’s why they don’t approach me?
You came to Japan so many times before, do you still have anything that you want to do but haven’t done yet?
  • Go on a roadtrip! Sometimes, I’d like to drive to the beach. However, Korea and Japan’s driving directions are the exact opposite, so if I drove onto a different road then that will be a big problem. Apart from that, I also want to go walking out on the streets during the day and drink coffee on a balcony of a coffee shop. I really like Japan’s small, yet cute city areas.
Have you ever been to a coffee shop with the members?
  • There have been times I guess, but with the members it’s more often at the dormitory. If any of the members are tired, we wait until we finish our schedules. After getting home at night, we would gather together and chat etc.
It would be great if you and the members could go to coffee shops more often during the day.
  • Yes, that is true. Just as I kept talking about coffee, I can’t drink black coffee. I always order Caramel Macchiato. However, on top of the foam there is always a heart drawn on (from the cocoa powder), so every time I will stir it, until it disappears before drinking. But actually all I’m thinking is, “I’m not even in a relationship, why is there a heart?!” (laughs)
“After showering, I think that I’m really sexy (laughs)”

You have such an adorable side and also a very charismatic side, but what do your fans usually say they like about you the most?
  • My voice, dancing, composing…and also it’s probably that I’m handsome?! (laughs uncontrollably) Everyone’s opinion is different, so I’m not very clear.
How about sexiness? What do you think? Recently, you’ve become even sexier – could it be that something has happened?
  • I won’t answer these types of questions~ (laughs)
When you’re dancing or when you come out of the shower, once you look at your reflection in the mirror, do you think you look sexy?
  • Of course! Whenever I come out of the shower I go: “Oh! Right now I look good!” And so, I immediately take a photo of myself. But when I look at the photo again afterwards, its alright, not as charismatic as I thought. (laughs)
What kind of photo is it?
  • My hair would be full of bubbles and I would use it to style my hair upwards, or I’d comb all of my hair back whilst it’s still wet. But, it’s too ugly, so I deleted them all. For females, after bathing don’t they always think that they look the prettiest when brushing their long hair?
Never once have I thought that way…
  • Ah! I’ve also heard that before. For men, after showering we’d stand in front of the mirror and think: “I’m quite handsome indeed”. But for females, no matter how pretty they are, they just never seem to be satisfied.
Thank you for covering up for me. (cries) For this album, whether it’s the songs or the cover photos, rather than being sexy, the majority of it has a more refreshing and uplifting atmosphere. The cover is also naturally your side profile.
  • The sexy side of Junho, you could see that in 2PM. Of course, it’s not that this concept doesn’t suit 2PM’s songs. However, I want to discover something different. In this album, it has included all my current thoughts and ideas. I really hope everyone will be able to listen to my voice.


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