Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chansung's Tweet For 5th Aniversary~

[Chansung’s Twitter]
@2PMagreement211: @taeccool @Jun2daKAY @Khunnie0624 @0430yes @dlwnsghek 음하라하하하하 5주년이닷!!!

2PMagreement211: 다 같은 공간에 있지만 다 각자 트위터로 5주년을 알리는 센스 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 우리 핫티스트여러분 고마워요..^^ 5년동안 참 좋았구요 앞으로도 좋겠죠..! 잘 부탁해용 !

Eng trans:
@2PMagreement211: @taeccool @Jun2daKAY @Khunnie0624 @0430yes @dlwnsghek Mwahahahahahahahaha 5th anniversary!!!

@2PMagreement211: We're all at the same place, but we have a sense to post about our 5th anniversary on Twitter separately ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Also, thank you so much, our Hottest..^^ These 5 years were really good, the future's gonna be good too..! Please look after us!
Eng trans by 2pmalways

Indo trans:
Chan: @taeccool @Jun2daKAY @Khunnie0624 @0430yes @dlwnsghek anniversary ke 5 Mwahahahahahahahaha!!!

Chan: Kita sebenarnya di tempat yang sama, tapi ingin mempost tentang anniversary ke 5 secara terpisahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Juga, terima kasih banyak, Hottestku..^^ 5 tahun ini sangat menyenangkan, dan kedepannya akan menyenangkan juga...! Tolong nantikan kami!

cr Republic of 2PM Indonesia

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