Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wooyoung Cuttest Gift Ever!!!!

[fan account about the gift received by WooYoung]:

The capsule machine that Woo tweet about is one of the gifts that gave him for mid-autumn festival. Inside the many little capsules, it included decoration, letters and snacks. Also KEYS to open other gift boxes ^^

Since this is a gift they prepared sincerely, they hope he will open all of the capsules Although he doesn't need to insert coin, but he need to open all the capsules to find keys to open other gift boxes. (SO SMART HAHA)

In the afternoon, jagga unnie's received phone call from company, asking about whether really have to open all the capsules in order to find keys to open other gift boxes. (<<< Did woo asked the company to ask? hahahah lol)

Jangga unnie already promised to send the keys (for open other gift boxes) to the company again.

cr: KimberlyOoi1993, MISS油油_youyou

Then couple days a go Woo update his IG, and upload a pic~ i think this is the gift boxes from Jangga unnie~ did the boxes already opened???? did Wooyoung got the right keys???


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