Monday, September 16, 2013

OkCat for KakaoTalk is Out~~

Couple days a go Taecyeon tweeted that OkCat app and emot will launch today~

@taeccool: 9월17일! 카카오톡 이모티콘 출시? 기대하시라~~~♥♥♥

@taeccool: 9월17일 카카오톡에 옥캣 이모티콘 출시! 못생겼다고 생각해도 하나 구매해바바~~ 매력에 빠질걸?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

And last night he tweet again~
@taeccool: 호호호호 카톡측이 알려준 옥캣 공개시간은 오전 10시~오후12시 사이입니다~ 저도 언제인지 궁금해지는데요~~ 그럼 옥캣USB샘플을 보시면서 내일을 기대해보아용~~♥♥
( Ufufufufu~ According to the people from Kakao talk, Ok-cat will be revealed in the morning, in between 10 and 12 o'clock~ I'm curious about the time myself~~ So take a look at the Ok-Cat USB sample, and look forward for tomorrow~~♥♥ ,trans by 2pmalways)


And couple minutes a go, Memoria tweet that OkCat theme for Kakaotalk is ouuutttttttttt ><

This is super cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >< go to this link if you want to download it:

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