Wednesday, November 20, 2013

2PM for Letters to Angels Campaign

[Trans]2PM’s Letters from Angels messages (only Minjun’s, Taec’s and Woo’s featured though

Hyeonggyu-ya! No matter to who, yourself is the best in the world! I wish you can live coolly while always thinking positively!! Hyeongyu-ya fighting!  
JUN. K  
-Minjun hyungie- 

To Hyeonggyu! 
I hope you’ll always be healthy and happy! Take care where no matter where in the happy home! Fighting! 
-2PM Taecyeon-

To Hyeonggyu ^^ 
Hyung is lucky to be able to have this kind of relationship with you. Although it will be hard for you to remember our memories together, I will support you forever. When the time passes, at the time you’ve more grown up, let’s meet again! Until then, be healthy and brightly grow up okay? I will be together with you forever  

Trans by : nuneo2daKAY

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