Friday, October 18, 2013

Live Chat Session with 2PM’s Khun!!

Nichkhun: It's been almost 2 years since I've last been to Singapore, I just love the city the fans and the atmosphere there. And to be finally be able to go perform in front of my lovely Singaporean fans is just so exciting, I cannot wait!! Apologies for not being able to show myself on camera but if you guys want to see me you have to come to the concert. They will be seeing our new title for the first time in Singapore and followed by some fun songs where they can dance along. By the way our members say hello to our Singaporean Hottests! So we want from you guys this time is to enjoy our performance as if you guys were in a party or a club. Just dance your behinds off and have fun! Well I would like to introduce our latest song ADTOY, very unique and very... I would say sexy but too overly done. Hey Singapore!!! This is Nichkhun from 2PM, it's such a pleasure to be here chatting with all of you guys. And us 2PM are looking forward to seeing you on the 16th.  So before then get yourself fit and ready to scream your lungs off because you will be meeting so many cool artists! The song he has been listening to a lot recently? Nichkhun: Right now it's Blue Ocean Floor by JT in his new album 

Nichkhun: 2PM is going to hold an Arena tour in Japan starting of January next year. Unfortunately we will not do an Asia tour which is such a bummer. We didn't get to go to Singapore last tour... which was a triple bummer. But we are really looking into the next album to make sure we have the perfect song for #2PM so our Hottests & other fans can enjoy 

Nichkhun: If I were a girl I wouold pick Ryan Gosling (Fave show?) Notebook but also liked him in Drive and the Gangster Vice Squad 

Q: Most attractive quality a girl can have?
Nichkhun: Confidence and self-respect. Someone who would know how to be a good mother for their future children. What my mom always tells me to look for in a girl 

Q:Will 2PM explore other music genres? 
Nichkhun:Would love to! Some of our members are actually trying out new genres of music 

Q: Does 2PM members exchange pointers? 
Nichkhun:Yes definitely! We help each other any ways we can. Like with acting we read out the lines for one another during practice. And our main vocals like Jun.K and Junho actually help out a lot with singing. We are all proud of each other's individual works and we kinda brag about it to other people hahahaha. Our chemistry is true and real

Q: Will you be composing any songs in future for 2PM?
Nichkhun: I would like to think of music as a type of art and real art doesn't come out like it was made in the factory. So not until I'm ready. What my fans will be hearing has to be good and meaningful. In other words... I still.. suck hahahaha. I will try to make something good for you guys!! Yay! 

Q: Any place you would like to visit in Singapore?
Nichkhun: Universal Studios! I'm such a sucker for those theme parks. I was hoping my fans will recommend any good places for me Hopefully I will have the time to go though. Honestly I don't know too many local food But I'm always very open to trying some good food. Ouuuuu museums! My kinda place. Hahah I would love to go. Aquarium!!!! Let's go find Nemo!! Hahahaha oh very off topic but yes all those places sound so amazing 

Q: Places to visit in Korea?
Nichkhun: Insadong if you like Korean traditions and culture. Myeongdong and Dongdaemun if you like shopping. Hmmmm Itaewon if you want to see a variety of people. Namsan Tower! 

Q: What about food in Korea?
Nichkhun: My definite answer is Sam Gyeob Sal which is pork BBQ. yum yum! 

Q: How to get rid of the smell of BBQ?
Nichkhun: Good question... Find a place with a good ventilation system 

Q: Favourite thing to do on a break?
Nichkhun: I like to go play badminton or just sit at home and watch TV all day. I am actually a lazy person haha especially when I have a fee day off. I like to watch movies actually, it's a way for me to study acting. But Sherlock is probably my favorite TV drama, Benedict Cumberbatch's acting is just WOW. What kind of role would you guys want me to do? Other than the bright and cute character?

Nichkhun: Singaporean fans you can expect a very fun time on 16th so get yourselves ready!! I am also excited to meet you all. For my Thai fans I miss you all too and I hope to see you guys soon na cub. Hope everyone watching this session is happy and healthy, don't forget to smile!! =]

The link for complete chat:

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