Sunday, October 20, 2013

ShukanJosei Special Shooting & Interview

October 29th ShukanJosei Special Shooting & Interview
Love Story of 6 persons
JPN-KOR: 왓탐번역노예즈
KOR-ENG: Egle @ 2pmalways
Pic cr as tagged

2PM is releasing “Winter Games” on October 16th – a winter-themed song they’ve made for the first time. Having met them again after 8 months, we had a talk about the new single and members’ solo activities, as well as impressive winter dates wearing trench coats, and each member’s real “love”!
Taecyeon sometimes interrupts Jun. K as the latter speaks lively. The story of a group of older brothers, that continues in a perfect balance.

-    You’ve received a great acclaim for your role in The Three Musketeers musical in Japan.
Jun. K: We staged the show we had performed in Korea before. I was really thankful to everyone, who came and filled up the venue.
Taecyeon: I watched The Three Musketeers in Korea and it was really good! I haven’t seen Jun. K being so passionate about something in a long while. He even got bruises in places I’ve never seen during 2PM lessons… I’m joking of course lol. He was absorbed into it to that extent.
Jun. K: Fencing was really hard indeed and I got a lot of bruises. There will be Jack the Ripper performances in November in Japan. This musical has been running for some time in Korea, so I’m desperately trying to keep up and not lag behind its original cast. Right now my voice is really hoarse because of all the practice; it’s like that probably for the first time since our debut. It’s also really hard to act as Daniel, the character I’m playing.
-    Drama Who Are You with Taecyeon was broadcast in Korea, and you were also shooting for the movie Marriage Blue.
Taecyeon: As I got to work at two projects at the same time, I found out that movies require a lot more natural acting, while for drama there’s a conventional difference. The character who is similar to me is Wonchul I played in the movie – too shy to express things properly. I mean, when it comes to relationships (laugh).
Jun. K: I don’t think you’re shy… lol However, Taecyeon always chooses characters that suit him well.
-    Then what other things do you want to challenge this winter?
Jun. K: I’m too busy with musicals and arena tour.
Taecyeon: I’m thinking of an event in order to make the character I’ve created – Ok Cat – more loved. I want the event to be successful and then carry out the New Year Eve’s worship service.

Fast-paced Junho and Chansung who speaks picking words calmly.A conversation about the friendship of the two who fit together like two pieces of puzzle.
-    Junho, you successfully completed your first solo tour for your Japanese solo debut.
Junho: It’s such a relief. I want to have a tour soon again!
Chansung: I think it’s a great thing that he did all by himself – composing, lyrics and even producing.
Junho: Whenever I make a new song, Chansung is the first person I give it to listen to.
Chansung: There are a lot of good songs written by Junho. All I do is expressing an honest admiration.
-    Chansung challenged a regular drama in “Level 7 Civil Servant” and a first movie with “Red Carpet”.
Chansung: As far as the drama is concerned, the emotions of your character accumulate with each episode. Just recently, I didn’t know how to keep those emotions alive.  However, the actors who worked with me helped me a lot, and in the end I managed to do it somehow. And the movie. The shooting is a lot more flexible, so I can get absorbed into my role better.
Junho: Chansung was definitely very admirable as he submerged himself into the drama. I saw a new side of him.
-    Junho also made an acting debut with the movie “Cold Eyes” this year, and now you are currently filming for “Memories of the Sword”.
Junho: I filmed for a few scenes. Since it’s a historical movie, it includes sword fighting which is very hard. And I still had no chance to learn it from Chansung, who’s the best at it…
Chansung: They say Junho basically melted into his character for “Cold Eyes”. There are times when you ruin the movie atmosphere by preserving your true self. So I think it’s great that he merged with the story.
-    So what the two of you would like to do this winter?
Chansung: I want to go to the seaside.
Junho: I’d like to try rolling around on the snow. Holding my girlfriend’s hand. That is, if I had one of course.

A nice and convenient talk between Nichkhun and Wooyoung who sat one next to the other in a very comfortable atmosphere.
-    Right after you held your first concert at Tokyo Dome, you released a new song in Korea in May.
Nichkhun: We released a new song in Korea for the first time in 2 years. We were pressured to do well to make up for all the time we’ve made the fans wait, we also felt happy finally being able to meet you all, it was a complicated feeling.
-    I heard that Wooyoung managed to get a scuba diving certificate in between your schedules.
Wooyoung: It’s been my hobby for a long time. I had dived down 21 m deep during practice, and the feeling of space-like zero gravity is amazing. Unfortunately, afterwards I couldn’t go underwater. If I had a chance, I would like to do a sea cleaning service.
-    Nichkhun is currently filming for the Chinese drama “One and a Half Summer”.
Nichkhun: There’s a question of stamina, although acting is the hardest thing of all. I’m always worried whether I express my lines well in Chinese. Acting is definitely hard.
-    Do you both have a particular role in mind you would like to play?
Nichkhun: A rebellious man who can’t receive any love, just like James Dean in “East of Eden”.
Wooyoung: I’d like a war movie with lots of action. I’d like to be in a movie that explores the limits of mankind.
-    What would you like to challenge this winter?
Wooyoung: Solo journey. I haven’t tried it yet. I want to go to Rome and visit sites with historic architecture and works of fine art.
Nichkhun: I want to rent a car and travel around the United States. I’d like to coax Wooyoung into coming with me, but since it seems like he’d like to travel alone… Both of us are interested in interior and art, so it feels like if it would be fun to travel together.
Wooyoung: We have similar sensibility. So, Nichkhun-hyung, let’s travel together! (laugh)

2PM releases their 7th single “Winter Games”. The interview begins with a loud and energetic“please treat us well”.
-    What was your impression when you first heard “Winter Games”?
Taecyeon: The harp sound surges really heavily in the intro. I remember Jun. K saying that this part is really good.
Wooyoung: First, I remember thinking that everyone would be happy. When I listened to it via earphones, I thought of various situations, and I thought that the song is really suitable for a performance.
-    Is there a part of lyrics that you like?
Junho: “I don’t care even if love is a game”. I think it’s great.
Jun. K: Me too.
-    If so, does it mean that you’re interested in love games?
Jun. K: No. I really can’t stand a person who’s playing the other’s feelings!
Junho: I also can’t treat being in a relationship like a game.
Wooyoung: There are relationships that need the push-and-pull game, but there are those that don’t. However, if she were to start a game in order to break up with me, I would accept that.
Taecyeon: You’re so cool (laugh).
Junho: If it were a person with whom I would not like to break up no matter what, I would try all the means possible in order to stop her.
Jun. K: I don’t like the push-and-pull, because I think it’s a good thing to express your own feelings honestly if you like each other. I think there’s no need to calculate everything thinking“If I say “I like you” too many times it would get boring”.
Taecyeon: On the contrary, Jun. K really understands the push-and-pull psychology (laugh).
-    Then is Jun. K a relationship teacher within the group?
Wooyoung: (laughing) Master! Please teach me everything.
Jun. K: Why are you so eager about it (laugh).
Nichkhun: I also don’t like love games or the push-and-pull. I think that “love” is expressing everything honestly in words.
-    I heard you’re using trench coats for your choreography this time.
Chansung: There’s a dance where we lie down wearing the coats, or spread the flaps of our coats. Up till now we’ve been emphasizing dynamic masculinity in our songs. Even though it’s a dance song as well this time, I get the feeling that we will express the “calm masculinity”.
-    A new arena tour starts next January.
Taecyeon: It will be a very interesting live show. We integrate into it everything we’ve learned from our experience during live performances in Japan, and we also would like to add something new to it.
Jun. K: Even though we’ve received so much love up till now, we’d like to become a group that receives even more attention. So we will try harder to send you a lot more love as well!
Q. If you were to go on a date wearing a trench coat?
Taecyeon: I want to walk down a street on a snowy day holding hands, saying “your hands are cold” and then blow warm breath into her hands, making them warm.
Jun. K: I want to wear a coat 2 size too big so that I could wrap myself and my girlfriend into it, and then walk on.
Taecyeon: That wouldn’t work out unless your girlfriend is really tiny.
Jun. K: It would be just fine; it’s a coat, 2 sizes bigger!
Q. How would you warm up your girlfriend’s heart on a cold winter day?
Taecyeon: I’d want to hug her. However, if she’s with me, she would have no reason to think she’s lonely (he gets so embarrassed he’s knocking on the table).
Jun. K: I’d go to a warm place, like a convenience store or a café (laughs). Just joking.
Q. If you were to go on a date wearing a trench coat?
Junho: I want to hold hands with my girlfriend, shove the hand I’m holding into my coat’s pocket and walk on.
Chansung: I can’t think of anything else apart from what Junho’s just said…If my girlfriend were to say that she’s cold, I’d put my coat on her shoulders.
Q. How would you warm up your girlfriend’s heart on a cold winter day?
Junho: It’s problematic if she feels lonely when I’m right next to her. That would not happen!
Chansung: I would hold her without saying a word.
Q. If you were to go on a date wearing a trench coat?
Wooyoung: I get all fluttery just thinking of it (laughs). I want to wrap my girlfriend with a huge coat.
Nichkhun: Right. If it rains just spread up the coat instead of umbrella.You learn things like that from movies!
Q. How would you warm up your girlfriend’s heart on a cold winter day?
Nichkhun: Hugging is the best! And I would kiss her forehead.
Wooyoung:  Me too. And I’d also hold her hand.

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