Monday, October 14, 2013

[Trans] BAILA Magazine (November 2013 issue)

JPN-Eng: @dawnjelly | Scans credit to : @aiai87213 @riiixoxonaPM, Via We Love 2PM

The season of yearning for a lover.Won’t you get warm with us?
Autumn Men’s Knit Playhouse.The Lead Actors are 2PM!

It’s been two and a half years since their spectacular Japan debut. 2PM who matured enough to have a successful solo concert at Tokyo Dome recently have made an appearance once again with all members! The 6 of them who have grown into charming adult men are overflowing with warmth in “men’s knit” and will warm the hearts of BAILA’s readers.Here they perfectly match a night of yearning for another body’s warmth!

JUN. K It’s cold…Are you wearing knit?Don’t make me worried by catching a cold, alright?
WOOYOUNG Come here.There’s enough sunlight for the two of us.
TAECYEON Soon it will be nabe season.What do you want to eat today?
CHANSUNG Welcome back!Was it cold outside?Come here!It’s warm!
JUNHO If you say “I’m cold,”I won’t mind holding you.
NICHKHUN I heard it will be chilly tonight.How about you stay here?


No matter what anyone says,you are the most beautiful to me. by NICHKHUN
I’m here by your side. by CHANSUNG
Come here.Let’s put it on together. by JUNHO
You are the reason I’m alive. by WOOYOUNG
I want to sleep in your arms. by JUN. K
I can’t breathe if you are not by my side. by TAECYEON

It’s an unpleasantly cold autumn evening. Whose phrase will warm up your heart? Men’s Knit & 2PM’s Whispered “Words of Love”

CHANSUNG “I was surprised when I heard the concept for the shoot. I wondered if I would fit in with ‘men’s knit,” said youngest member Chansung, whose puppy-like eyes started at me. “I honestly don’t do well with prickly fuzz. The closest I ever get is when I will occassionally wear a cardigan. Fuzz really bothers me.” Are you interested in “women’s knit”? “I’m interested for a different reason (laugh). It’s cute when a girl wears a knit top in a sexy way so that it’s a bit too short. My eyes are drawn to it. By the way, why does my shirt have the letter ‘M’ as a design? (His real name is Hwang Chansung). ‘MEAT’? Or perhaps it means ‘MUSCLE’? I got it! It’s ‘MYSTERIOUS’ (laugh).” When asking the mysterious(?) man, Chansung, to give us a sweet phrase, after a long, long silence, he for some reason replied with a completely red face. “‘I’m here by your side’ (the moment he said it he covered his face with his hands and bent his large back forward, hanging his head down). I’ve never said these words to anyone before. I’m so embarrassed I feel like I’m going to die…….”

NICHKHUN Mr. Gentleman who has a high voice, Nichkhun, dared to wear a refreshing purple and brown knit style. “Although it’s not as refreshing, I have a refreshing blue knit sweater as well. It’s easy to pair it with something and its coordination ability is useful. My favorite is a knit jacket with a food design. It’s convenient since you can wear it tight or loose. However, you need to be a bit prepared to wear it. You must dry clean it, and since it itches you might not even be able to wear one, right? I like knit clothing because it gives the person who wears it a soft aura, however.” Do you like knit clothing for girls? “Of course! It matches a simple pair of jeans and the coordination makes [a girl] look warm and fluffy.” So, what fluffy (heart fluttering!?) words of love would you say to a girl? “‘No matter what anyone says, you are the most beautiful to me.’ What’s most important to me is that a girl stays true to herself.”

JUNHO He’s had solo activities in Japan, been busy in his native country acting in a film, and is not negligent even when it comes to fashion! “I put on today’s clothes and remembered I hadn’t checked the fall/winter items (sweat). The fad this year is to wear knit clothing, isn’t it? If so, I want something light beige.” He’s very detailed about women’s garments. “Tom Brown’s fitted knit clothes that are short in length and have short sleeves are nice. I like baggy garments as well, though.” He also has a story when he failed at wearing knit clothing. “Although I don’t like it when the knitted fuzz is long, I found a yellow and orange angora knit piece and purchased it after only a glance. However, I wore it underneath a black coat and the fuzz came off and turned the inside completely yellow. Since then I only look at it.” What words of love did Junho think of? “There’s something I’ve always wanted to do. That is to wrap my arms around a girl from behind and put on a single knit piece in that position. After saying, ‘Come here. Let’s put it on together,’ I would squeeze her~ (laugh). Don’t you sort of long to share one item between two people?”

WOOYOUNG Wooyoung, who has been able to relax quite a lot as of late. “I had a long break from July to August. During that time I read a lot of books. My hobby is studying books related to design, well-known illustrator’s books, books related to interior and fashion, psychology, novels, etcetera etcetera. My days were spent enhancing my senses by the mood of the book I would pick up that day.” It was during that reliable lifestyle when it seemed that change had come.” It seemed that my hobby changed when my ears became unconcerned with what my heart was saying. Previously I didn’t think I would be ‘able to wear’ knit clothing with flashy designs like today. However, today I feel like I’m ‘wearing’ it. I’ve really become a ‘men’s knit’ guy (laugh).” So, what kind of “women’s knit” is attractive? “A girl who’s fashionably dressed in loose knit clothing. It’s exciting when just the fingers are coming out of long sleeves.” Although he seems to favor a cute image, his words of love are straight-laced. “If it’s a girl I extremely like, I would say ‘You are the reason I’m alive.’ I’m devoted to love.”

JUN. K When asked for words of love, most of the members stammered but he immediately said, “‘You are mine,’” and then Jun. K fixed his words saying, “……Since that’s a typical response, can I change it to ‘I want to sleep in your arms’?” Out of the six, he started producing songs the earliest, and so delivered his phrase precisely. “I think it’s easier to picture the image of being together with the one you love ‘in your arms’ rather than ‘in your heart.’ Actually, I hinted at that phrase in today’s photoshoot.” Although the photoshoot’s theme this time was “men’s knit”……. “I thought of it as a person who is precious to me is wrapped nicely and warmly around me like knit clothing. Look. She’s hugging my upper body right now! (he said while hugging his own chest with both arms).” He who is occasionally taken aback by artistic expressions has fashion sense and is artistic. “For a girl I like a fitted dress made of thin material. What interests me and draws my eyes lately is geometrical graphics.”

TAECYEON When we requested of Taecyeon, whose art of conversation is richly witty and full of smiles, what words of love he would want to whisper, he shyly replied, “I can’t breathe if you are not by my side.” “I’m always saying how work is important to me, but love is just as precious. Since my partner is there I am complete and can feel what it really means to be alive. ‘I love you’ is too heavy for me to say easily now, but I want to convey that the person is precious. ……Nevertheless, the weather is still too hot today to wear knit clothing~” Taecyeon said, fanning his reddened face with his hand. “However, it’s a bit soft compared to how I normally am, right? 2PM has a strong, manly image, but our impression softens when we put on knit clothing. It could be a perfect item for us. I don’t understand fashion, though.” Even so, he immediately replied when asked about women’s attire. “What comes to mind is girl wearing a baggy beige knit sweater over a white shirt and black shorts below. It might be even cuter if there was a necklace and a hat!”

It’s been 5 years since their Korean debut.Those beasts have gotten even bigger!

Approximately 2 years ago they appeared in the pages of BAILA as company workers in suits for “2PM Company,” and those 6 people who give energy to the dreams of the working women of BAILA have returned for the therapeutic “Men’s Knit.” They, who have become more mature since last time, will talk about the “now.”
—Welcome to BAILA!
All: Thank you!
Jun. K: I remember that time (January 2012 issue of BAILA) very well. It left a big impression since it was the first time we had filmed wearing formal suits.
Nichkhun: It was our businessman concept.
Junho: Wooyoung hasn’t changed. However in my case……that time period was when I was the fattest I’ve ever been.
Taecyeon: Right after the photoshoot is when I grew my hair out long. Then I cut it, and now it’s just as long as it was then. I haven’t changed much, have I?
—While Taecyeon’s hairdo was going in a circuit, 2PM splendidly rushed ahead in accomplishments. Budokan 6 DAYS, regular airing of One Point Korean (NHK ETV), as well as a solo 2 day performance at Tokyo Dome in April of this year!
 Taecyeon: It was able to become a reality due to everyone who was there supporting us. It wasn’t solely by our strength.
Jun. K: It’s been 5 years since 2PM debuted in Korea, but perhaps because we are still in the process of maturing, it doesn’t feel as if it really happened.
Chansung: Since we’re each challenging different fields such as solo activities and acting, it feels something like a step up.
Taecyeon: Since 2PM activities have coincided with our solo activities, our individual awareness has swelled. Other than our sense of responsibility becoming stronger, nothing has changed. We must keep running with all of our power for the next 5 years.
Junho: For 10 years…….
Chansung: 15 years!
Taecyeon: Just how old would we be by then? (laugh)

A man who is always prepared to start running is passionate about his love
—The statement “It doesn’t matter if love is a game” in your new song “Winter Games” is impressive.
 Taecyeon: It’s comparing the tactics of emotions in regards to love to a game. It’s interesting and masculine. “It doesn’t matter if love is a game” has a certain sadness, but at the same time, manliness.—Like the title implies, the MV has a winter setting. The story must have been tailored [to match].
 Junho: The protagonist reminisces in the memories of his lover after she suddenly disappears, and he becomes sad while sitting in the empty room looking at the bed where his ex-girlfriend should have been lying…… that scene was very heartrending.
Chansung: Then, the part where Wooyoung becomes sad looking at her frozen over in the world of ice! That part is especially noteworthy.
Wooyoung: What, me!? Why!?
Junho: Speaking of the MV, we used a lot of dry ice for the fog and snow during filming. However, because “insoluble snow” was used for the production, it was terrible when it would enter our eyes and noses during filming.
Jun. K: Didn’t some come out of your ears the next morning, Taecyeon?
Taecyeon: That wasn’t me!
Wooyoung: (laugh). Other than that, this time we use trench coats for the dance.—You look really cool wearing the trench coats in the jacket photos for the single.
 Chansung: There’s also a dance where we lie down on the floor and passionately move our pelvises. The staff told us, “Your adult charms have increased.”—By the way, which member do you think is the most passionate when it comes to love?
 Junho: I think it would be Chansung. If it’s for her, I think he would rush to get to her whenever, wherever.
Chansung: What, do you mean I have that much free time? (laugh)
Wooyoung: He means you’re that serious. Speaking of which, I choose Taecyeon.
Chansung: Agreed. His legs seem fast (laugh) and there’s a certain aura about a man who is always prepared to run.
Taecyeon: It’s just your imagination. The main point is I’m a man who sleeps.

Junho is martial arts, Taecyeon is yoga!?Details on the interesting hobbies of the 6 men
—In order to keep running for these 5 years, it’s necessary to maintain your mental state by way of hobbies, right?
 Wooyoung: During a recent break, I challenged myself to do something I’ve been wanting to do: scuba diving. It opened a new world for me and was a good experience.
Jun. K: I receive a lot of my inspiration for music from illustrations, so I’ve been collecting them. Speaking of which, Nichkhun’s hobby is amazing.
Taecyeon: That was surprising.
Nichkhun: R-Really? My hobby is to take pictures and touch them up on the computer. I make them and save my progress little by little during transportation while working and times when I’m waiting.
Jun. K: Aren’t they good enough to be on an art exhibition level!?
Chansung: I’ve been playing badminton with Nichkhun. Also, I haven’t done it yet but I’m thinking of learning boxing. It’s for my concentration abilities, but (I don’t have) time…….
Taecyeon: In my case, I’ve started composing music and lyrics as a hobby, but it’s mostly related to work.
Junho: I’m the same. I’m currently obsessed with the Chinese martial arts necessary for my next film. Actually right now all of the muscles in my body are sore.
Jun. K: When I was doing a musical it was like that for me too. I had to use more body strength than for a live performance.
Junho: That’s right.
Taecyeon: ……Maybe I should do yoga.
Jun. K: What…… did you say just now!?
Taecyeon: Hm? Yoga.
Jun. K: This is big news!
Nichkhun: I think it would be good for Taecyeon whose body is stiff.
Taecyeon: I heard from a drama director, “If your body is stiff your acting becomes stiff.” It seems that because of this a lot of actors start doing yoga.
Junho: That’s right. In that case, should we go learn together?
Taecyeon: Let’s all go!
Wooyoung: 6 men doing yoga…… (laugh).
Chansung: ……I want to start boxing (laugh).
—Lastly, could you tell us what your newest objective is?
 Junho: A live at Nissan Stadium!
Jun. K: Boys be ambitious! It’s important to have aspirations.
Taecyeon: It’s not just about the number, but I want to become someone who a lot of people are dependent upon.
Chansung: There’s one other important thing. That is to keep protecting the friendship between the 6 of us. Let’s keep protecting the “entity” that is “2PM”!
All: Nice!
Offshot ♥ Autumn + Knit + 2PM
 The 6 of them became enthusiastic upon seeing the clothes that were prepared in the dressing room. Prior to having a discussion, the members picked up the items they liked and matched them to themselves as well as to each other. Here’s a look at just a wee bit of the situation.

box 1: Chansung & Nichkhun: “How is it?”
box 2: Oh! It’s great
box 3: Taecyeon: “What’s the matter~ Come closer~”Jun. K: *flirt flirt*  “You too, come closer~”
1 Nichkhun and Chansung begin searching for something to match the other. Although they went according to each other’s interests at first 2 They change plans en route and go with an element of surprise. “Chansung will start relaxing more as an adult,” said Nichkhun as he picked a jacket-type knit, meanwhile Chansung chose one with a big impact, “With this his gentlemanly figure won’t be tarnished” 3 Around this time, Jun. K and Taecyeon were on the sofa next to the clothes booth. Both of them aimed for the same seat and said “this is my seat” while laughing.

box 4: Wooyoung: “Isn’t this conversation long?”Junho: “Is there a punch line?”
box 5: Jun. K: “Speaking of music…”I-It’s started!
4/5 Waiting for the interview to start. The 6 of them are immersed in chatting. “I don’t really want to be involved because it’s prickly,” (Chansung) said in a dismissive voice. Then, with interest, Jun. K said, “Writing lyrics is the heart!” and started talking in riddles……
Nichkhun solo picture: I’m going to the studio~!

box 6:Wooyoung: “Which one’s good?”Junho: Straight to the point! “This one!”
box 7:Wooyoung: “But you know~ I like this one too~” *cheerful*Junho: “Ah, I see. Don’t you like this too?” *excited*
box 8:Jun. K: “Good, right? Right?”
box 9:Earnest!
box 10:Chansung: “It’s really hot in this room”
6/7 Wooyoung and Junho spent a long time shopping for real and picked out knit clothing. The main one to give advice was Junho 8/9 For some reason, Taecyeon was moving around like a robot while Jun. K picked out clothes. ” He chose one after another, saying, “This one suits you.” However, Taecyeon would only respond with “?” and incline his head in doubt for every advice he made…… 10 Chansung who really dislikes the itchiness of knit clothing scratched his neck and arms. Afterwards, he was methodically, silently plucking the fuzz left from the knit clothing off of his pants!
box 11:Wooyoung: “What are we eating after?”Jun. K: “I want otoro…”Taecyeon: “Anyway, I’m hungry…”Nichkhun: “Hey, what are we talking about?”

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